Artificial Intelligence represents a major technological challenge given its rapid development and numerous applications.
“Shaping European AI leadership” is the conference that will take place on March 10, 2022 focusing on reliable industrial AI applications, standardization and innovation.
The conference will also address the main challenges for artificial intelligence standardization and innovation that the industry needs to address to ensure European leadership in an international context.
During the meeting there will be an opportunity to exchange views with representatives of standardization bodies, public authorities and companies that will produce the future standard, and participate in the development of reliable AI.
The webinar will take place on Thursday, March 10 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
To participate in the event please follow this link.
The International Conference on AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills, organized by the OECD, will be held February 21-25, 2022 to promote a multidisciplinary, evidence-based policy debate to drive AI adoption in the world of work that is reliable, responsible, effective, beneficial and human-centered.
The AI-WIPS project will also be presented at the conference: opportunities and risks of different types of AI systems, characteristics of AI adopters and impact on productivity, and skills needed to adapt to the rapidly changing world of work.
On October 14, it will be possible to participate in the Innovation Lab WEBINAR “CYBER PHYSICAL MODEL OF THE SUPPLY CHAIN” – a model for the management of supply chain data in the life cycle of the product.
The webinar aims to present the Cyber Physical Model (CPM), developed as part of the Fisval Project (Integrated and Sustainable Supply Chain for the production of smart valves), co-financed from resources POR ERDF 2014-2020: Call for selection of strategic research, development and innovation project in implementation of the strategy Area Interna Alto Lago Como and Valli Lario.
The project aims to develop the logic of the smart factory at the level of the production chain, thus creating the first case in Italy of real vertical and horizontal integration according to the logic of the Industry Plan 4.0.
In particular, the definition of the functional and methodological logic of a Cyber Physical Model applicable to a generic production chain will be presented and deepened, the characteristics of the information architecture necessary for the implementation of these logics and the requirements of some applications to support the achievement of specific objectives for the management of the Fisval supply chain, that will be integrated in the context of the defined Cyber Physical Model.