t2i – Technological Transfer and Innovation is a consortium that supports companies to make innovation a continuous process, helping the creation of innovative companies, supporting research and innovation projects in digital and 4.0 technologies.

Why joining IMPROVENET?

For t2i the collaboration between companies, universities and research organizations is the key to the competitiveness of the economic system in Veneto.

Collaborating in a network allows each one to focus on its strengths, and not to waste energy on activities that would have little added value, because perhaps they are not part of the core business. This is particularly true today, as products and processes become more and more complex, requiring more and more heterogeneous skills, which in many cases would not make sense to develop internally, since their use is concentrated only in specific moments of product or process development.

In addition, global competition “forces” us to market excellent products for the specific target audience we are addressing. For example, taking B2C as a reference, we can see how the vision of the “best product” in physical stores has changed, replaced by the global “best product”, which must stand up to comparison with all the products on sale online on a global scale (see Amazon).

Thus, it is no longer enough to develop skills, but the skills developed must be of the highest level, and companies can only be competitive if they collaborate together, focusing on what everyone is good at.

RIRs like IMPROVENET can play a very important role in fostering these collaborations, and the topic of Industry 4.0 is one of the main challenges where we need to adopt this paradigm.

For these reasons, t2i’s adhesion to the IMPROVENET network was natural.

t2i digital technologies 4.0

What will the company realize during the VIR2EM Project?

t2i has a role that we can define as transversal in the VIR2EM project, providing the project with its experience in the following areas: usability and user experience; enhancement of intellectual property; analysis of business processes.

In particular, t2i participates in the realization of the task dedicated to the audit of the usability of the technologies developed, in particular AR and VR, for which there are not yet consolidated paradigms in terms of human-computer interaction, and the task dedicated to the analysis of patents and business impact of new technologies.

In fact, all new technologies must also be examined in terms of analysis of the reorganization of processes and human resources.

With which other RIR partners will the project be carried out?

The involvement of t2i is quite transversal, and collaborations are foreseen with all partners (in particular with regard to the Intellectual Property aspect).

Among these, the most directly involved partners are Zamperla, Electrolux, Uquido and XTeam, regarding tasks dedicated to the usability of the technologies developed.

How does the company see itself at the end of the project?

t2i has always been strongly committed to the theme of digital and 4.0 technologies, especially with a view to the sustainable development of new products and services.

t2i has already developed in the past many projects dedicated to this area, such as the Interreg SensorBIM project focused on the construction sector, or the Erasmus+ Edu4Future project, aimed at implementing the requirements of Industry 4.0 in the various European education and vocational training systems.

These projects are always aimed at testing innovative methodologies and services, with which t2i can then support companies.

VIR2EM allows to develop a further piece in this logic, in particular on the theme of virtualization of processes, systems and resources and remote operations.

Marco Galanti t2i

Marco Galanti

Head of Research and Innovation Area of t2i

Horizon 2020 | Horizon Europe | Innovation strategist | Industry 4.0 | Technology Transfer | Italy


Among the initiatives promoted by the European Commission there is I4MS (ICT innovation for manufacturing Smes), which supports manufacturing Smes and mid-caps in the ICT technologies application for the development of their business.

According to data reported by I4MS, the European manufacturing sector includes about 2.1 million companies that generate 31 million jobs and represent about 15% of EU GDP. 59% of all enterprises in the sector are small and medium-sized enterprises (Smes), generating together about 45% of the total value added of production. To ensure the competitiveness of this important pillar of the European economy at an international level, companies must be able to benefit from digital opportunities to accelerate and optimise their products and processes.

Thanks to I4MS, this transfer of digital technologies is facilitated by putting companies and their needs in contact with European technology suppliers and consortia of excellence in key areas of the digital factory, through ad hoc projects.

On the I4MS site Open Calls are published periodically: quick and easy financing schemes for application experiments in order to allow pilot and testing with new ICT technologies.

There is also a training catalogue for the introduction of new technologies related to digital transformation.

Among the members of IMPROVENET we have two I4MS Contact Points with the task of helping companies and stakeholders to use the opportunities offered by this European network: t2i and Nerosubianco.

t2i (Technology Transfer and Innovation), supports companies in defining and developing innovative pathways through the establishment of networks for technology transfer and the deployment of value-added services for industries and organisations also by means of co-funding programmes at local and european level. More information about the role of t2i in I4MS at this link.
Nerosubianco is a consulting and services company, which supports all those who are evaluating, planning or implementing innovative projects and technological partnerships, with a team of high qualified specialists and a network of experts at European level. More information about Nerosubianco’s role in I4MS at this link.