HORIZON EUROPE is the new European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for the period 2021-2027. With a budget of 95.5 billion Euros it is perhaps the most important initiative in favour of companies with research and development projects.
What are the objectives of Horizon Europe?
The objectives of Horizon Europe concern the development of the EU’s scientific and technological bases; the improvement of the innovative capacity and competitiveness of European industries; the creation of employment in Europe. The Programme is structured in three main pillars: “Scientific excellence”, “Global challenges and European industrial competitiveness”, “Innovative Europe”.

For companies that want to develop innovative projects with European partners, the second and third pillars are certainly very interesting. In particular, in the second pillar (which is divided into 6 Clusters), we find the Cluster 4 “Digital, industry and space” perfectly in line with the issues promoted by the IMPROVENET Network.
Why is Cluster 4 in line with IMPROVENET?
Cluster 4 aims to shape competitive and reliable technologies at European level to promote global leadership in key areas, respecting the limits of our planet and maximising the benefits for all social partners.
The ambition is to create a competitive, digital, low-carbon and circular industry, capable of ensuring a sustainable supply of raw materials, to develop advanced materials and provide the basis for global progress and innovation with impact in society.
The areas of intervention are:
• production technologies
• key digital technologies, including quantum technologies
• emerging enabling technologies
• advanced material
• artificial intelligence and robotics
• new generation internet
• advanced processing and big data
• circular industries
• clean industries
• space
If you are a company based in the Veneto Region and you are carrying out innovative projects in line with the above CONTACT US!
Join the Regional Innovation Network IMPROVENET – ICT for Smart Manufacturing Processes.